Channel: Nazar Battu
Category: Comedy
Tags: naukripreaspirantsmainpawanvideoindiagovernment job aspirantsexampopulerleelunazar battugovt.letscrackitsarkarirasilujobupsccompetitive examslatest
Description: Open your Upstox Gold Account - We all have seen government job aspirants around us. Indian parents' first career choice for their children in govt jobs. right after intermediate, we start to think of which job to apply then we choose our graduation course. There are many funny and serious stories around us. We have picked some of the types of students who prepare for govt. jobs. How they prepare for the competitive exams. What problems did they face? What happens when they have to select the subject? which coaching to join. Similarly, there are many situations we came across. We have handpicked some of the most funniest situations among them. Do share the video with your friends and family and spread the laughter in tough times. Thanks for watching. Follow us on:- YouTube:- Facebook:- Twitter:- Insta:- #GovernmentJob #LetsCrackIt #UPSC #NazarbattuAspirants